20. Mutual fund Expense Ratio, Direct, and Regular plans
20.1 – Expense Ratio In the last chapter, we discussed the ‘Rolling Returns’, and why rolling returns offer a better insight into the return pattern...
19. Rolling Returns
19.1 – Point to Point return The previous chapter gave us a perspective of how returns are calculated given the time frame under consideration. So,...
18. Measuring Mutual fund Returns
18.1 – Mutual Fund metrics By now, I suppose we understand different types of mutual fund categories and what goes under the hood of each...
17. Arbitrage Funds
17.1 – Arbitrage We were to move ahead and discuss MF attributes and gradually steer our way to identify techniques of building a mutual fund...
16. Index Funds
16.1 Overview In chapter 6 & 7, we discussed the basics of a mutual fund and how a fund works. Just to recap, a mutual fund is a pooled...