15. Supplementary note – The 20 market depth or level 3 data
The 20 Market Depth (level 3 data) Window I’ve driven a car for many years and I’ve even changed my car a few times now....
14. Supplementary note – Rights, OFS, FPO
IPO, OFS, and FPO – How are they different? IPO Initial Public Offering is when a company is introduced into the publicly traded stock markets...
13. Getting started
13.1 – Dig deeper Congratulations! If you’ve read all the chapters and scrolled through the numerous comments in each chapter, then that means that you...
12. Key Events and Their Impact on Markets
12.1 – Events Trading or investing based on just company-specific information may not be sufficient. Outside events, both economic and/or non-economic, impact stocks and the...
11. Corporate actions and impact on stock prices
11.1 – Corporate Actions Corporate actions are financial initiatives undertaken by a company that results in a change to its stock price. There are different...
10. Clearing and Settlement Process
10.1 – Market structure The topic of clearing and settlement is super important to understand as it gives you a sense of the movement of...
2. Regulators, the guardians of capital markets
2.1 – What is the stock market? In the previous chapter, we established that investing in equities is vital to generate inflation-beating returns. Having said...
9.1 – Trading Terminal
Over the last few chapters, we have understood several things related to the stock markets. It is time for us to figure out how one...