121. Trusting Your Intuition
Module 12. Innerworth - Mind over markets Many people who begin trading think of it in purely mathematical terms: If the ultimate multiple regression equation...
120. The Intuitive Mind
Module 12. Innerworth - Mind over markets Ever see a pattern emerge, and instinctively trust your gut instinct even though your logical mind told you...
119. Buy on Weakness, Sell on Strength: An Example of a Contrary Approach
Module 12. Innerworth - Mind over markets Many investment psychology books tout the virtues of thinking independently and acting like a rugged individualist: “Don’t follow...
118. Stay in the Moment
Module 12. Innerworth - Mind over markets Existential psychotherapists point out that people experience fear and anxiety when they think about, and regret, their past...
117. Insufficient Justification
Module 12. Innerworth - Mind over markets A common problem among traders and investors is the tendency to sell profitable trades prematurely and hold losing...
116. Putting the Trade in the Right Perspective
Module 12. Innerworth - Mind over markets As a novice trader, Jack has just put on his tenth trade. He’s still new to trading, but...
115. Appreciating Your Inner-worth
Module 12. Innerworth - Mind over markets Jake is attending a party at his brother’s house. Old family friends are freely spreading gossip. Many are...
114. Mastering the Inner-game
Module 12. Innerworth - Mind over markets If we had a crystal ball, trading would just be a matter of buying at a bottom, holding...
113. Looking Inward For Your Mental Edge
Module 12. Innerworth - Mind over markets Jim is a master trader. He manages a multimillion-dollar hedge fund and has made substantial profits for the...
112. Discovering Your Inner-worth
Module 12. Innerworth - Mind over markets John and Jay are both novice traders, but their approach to trading is markedly different. John is drawn...